INFOpratica For PC | How To Download (Windows/Mac)

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INFOpratica is an online information resource that provides access to the latest news and research in the information management field. The site offers a comprehensive collection of articles, case studies, and best practices, as well as product reviews and interviews with information management experts.

This article is all about helping you get to know the INFOpratica for PC better and install it on your PC. Here are the technical specifications you want to know about beforehand:

How To Install & Download INFOpratica For PC Windows 10/8/7

To install the INFOpratica on your computer, you need to install the NOX payer first. To do that, as well as install the INFOpratica, follow the easy guide below from start to finish:

  • First, start by downloading the NOX player. It should store in your download folder in your computer.
  • Locate the installer, double click on it, and let it install on your PC. It will take a few minutes to complete the installation.
  • Once installed, you’ll have the option to start the emulator. Go ahead and start the emulator. It will set up the environment for the first time.
  • Now, open the Play store app (It’s on the top header, or you can search for it) and it will ask you to log in. Log into your Google account.
  • Search for the INFOpratica app on the Play store app and the app will show up in the first position. Click and start installing the app on your computer.

INFOpratica Andorid App Summary

Under the Tools category on Google Play store, INFOpratica has over 7822 of downloads reflecting the number of users they have. Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco has developed the INFOpratica and has improved a lot to this day with the latest version, 2.7.10.

Until this latest version, INFOpratica has successfully been able to acquire a good user rating of 0.0. This latest version was last updated on Oct 8, 2014 which you can check in the technical specification section below.


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The only bummer here is you can not just download and install it on your computer without using an Android emulator. However, you can definitely install it on your computer by using one of the most popular emulators: NOX player, BlueStacks, or Memu Emulator.

These tools will help you install and use the INFOpratica on your computer without having to use your Phone. To do so, you need to follow the guides we’re about to discuss in this article.

INFOpratica App Specification
App Name: INFOpratica On Your PC
Devoloper Name: Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco
Latest Version: 2.7.10
Android Version: 2.1
Supporting OS: Windows,7,8,10 & Mac (32 Bit, 64 Bit)
Package Name: vvf.cpi
Download: 7822+
Category: Tools
Updated on: Oct 8, 2014
Get it On:


Features of INFOpratica for PC

1. The National Fire Corps provides emergency technical assistance and fire prevention.
2. This activity includes an administrative activity of fire prevention, which involves reviewing projects and inspecting activities with a high risk.
3. In 2011, with the decree 151/11 (Regulation of simplification of the procedures of fire prevention), the National Fire Corps introduced significant procedural innovations, in order to balance the need to reduce the costs for businesses while maintaining the same level of safety in the workplace.
4. With the INFOpratica app, the National Fire Corps strengthens communication channels with the public, in order to improve transparency and administrative simplification. Citizens and businesses that have submitted a request for fire prevention to the Provincial Command of the National Fire Corps can access useful information about their request (for example, the progress of the procedure, the technician in charge of the technical examination or the certificate of fire prevention) in real time and in a mobile environment, using the Number Pratica and security PIN issued by the Provincial Command of the National Fire Corps.
5. For these and other services, please consult the website:

INFOpratica App Overview and Details

Il Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco svolge le attività istituzionali di soccorso tecnico urgente e di prevenzione dei rischi di incendio. Quest’ultima attività si esplica attraverso l’attività amministrativa di prevenzione incendi, che prevede l’esame dei progetti e la verifica ispettiva presso le attività caratterizzate da rischio elevato.
Nel corso del 2011, con il D.P.R. 151/11 (Regolamento di semplificazione dei procedimenti di prevenzione incendi), il Corpo Nazionale ha introdotto notevoli innovazioni procedurali, per coniugare l’esigenza di riduzione degli oneri sulle imprese perseguendo il primario obiettivo di mantenere inalterato il livello di sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro.
Con la APP INFOpratica i Vigili del Fuoco potenziano i canali comunicativi verso l’utenza, per migliorare trasparenza e semplificazione amministrativa. I cittadini e le imprese che hanno presentato una domanda di prevenzione incendi al Comando provinciale dei Vigili del Fuoco possono, infatti, accedere alla consultazione di utili informazioni riguardo la propria richiesta (ad esempio sullo stato di avanzamento del procedimento, il tecnico incaricato dell’istruttoria tecnica o sul certificato di prevenzione incendi) in tempo reale ed in condizioni di mobilità, servendosi del Numero Pratica e PIN di sicurezza rilasciati dal Comando VVF.

Per questi e altri servizi consultare il sito:

Whats New In this INFOpratica?

Versione 2.7.10 – 08/10/2014
– Gestione avviso pratiche con CPI in scadenza o scaduto.
– Possibilità di ordinare le consultazioni secondo diversi criteri.


INFOpratica has allowed me to keep track of all of my information literacy instruction in one place. I have been able to keep track of what students have learned, what I need to review with them, and what resources I have used. This has been an invaluable tool in my instruction!

Before we complete the guide, do you have more questions regarding the emulator above or the INFOpratica of any kind? Don’t feel grounded, just let us know, and we’ll help you resolve it.


We refer the ownership of This INFOpratica to its creator/developer. We don’t own or affiliate for INFOpratica and/or any part of it, including its trademarks, images, and other elements.

Here at pcappsreview, we also don’t use our own server to download the INFOpratica. We refer to the official server, store, or website to help our visitors to download the INFOpratica.

If you have any query about the app or about pcappsreview, we’re here to help you out. Just head over to our contact page and talk your heart to us. We’ll get back to you ASAP.

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