maltapps For PC | How To Install – Free Download For Windows

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MaltApps is a platform that allows users to develop and distribute their own mobile applications. It is a free and easy-to-use platform that does not require any programming knowledge. MaltApps also provides users with a wide range of features, including distribution, monetization, and analytics.

This article is all about helping you get to know the maltapps for PC better and install it on your PC. Here are the technical specifications you want to know about beforehand:

Download & Install maltapps For PC: Windows 10/8/7

You can download and install the maltapps for PC using the Nox player android emulator. Here are the steps you need to follow to install it on your computer alongside the step to install the maltapps.

  • Step 1: You have to download the Nox player emulator on your computer. It will store in the Downloads folder of your PC.
  • Step 2: Double click on the downloaded installer, click Yes, and let the Nox Player be installed on your computer.
  • Step 3: Within NOX Player, you’ll see the Play Store Icon on the top portion of it. Go ahead, click on it, and open up the store.
  • Step 4: If you’re not logged in, make sure you log into your Gmail or Play store account using email and password.
  • Step 5: Search for maltapps on the search bar that you’ll see in the play store app. This will show you the app.
  • Step 6: Click on the maltapps and click install to start downloading it on your computer and installing it.
  • Step 7: Wait for a few minutes and NOX player will add a shortcut button to the desktop and the homepage.
  • Step 8: You can double click on the shortcut icon and start using the maltapps on your computer right away.
maltapps App Specification
App Name: maltapps On Your PC
Devoloper Name: Government of Malta
Latest Version: 6.2.8
Android Version: 5.0
Supporting OS: Windows,7,8,10 & Mac (32 Bit, 64 Bit)
Package Name:
Download: 32539+
Category: Productivity
Updated on: Jun 30, 2022
Get it On:


maltapps Andorid App Summary

The maltapps was developed by the popular developer agency named Government of Malta. They have the maltapps in the Productivity category of the Google Play Store. You can find the latest version, which is 6.2.8, on Play store now.

As it has a hefty 32539 user base, you can rely on it for the job it does. For the user rating, you’re looking at a 0.0 rating for ease of use and how well it works. With maltapps latest features, good ratings, and frequent updates, you’ll be happy with it.


Jun 30, 2022 was the last date the maltapps was updated with new features. If you want to use the maltapps on your computer, you have to use an emulator like BlueStacks, NOX player, and Memu Emulator.

Using these can be overwhelming. But, no worries, we’ve got your back. We’ll guide you to install the emulator and the maltapps using the emulator later on.

maltapps App Overview and Details

Il-‘maltapps’ tipprovdi aċċess għas-servizzi tal-Gvern, kullimkien 24 siegħa kuljum.

Dan bħala parti mill-istrateġija ta’ biex iġġib is-servizzi tal-gvern eqreb lejn iċ-ċittadin. hija l-aġenzija li tiġbor is-servizzi kollha tal-gvern flimkien ma’ ‘maltapps’ li hija l-mService ta’

Il-maltapps tipprovdi viżibbiltà u aċċess għall-‘mServices’ kollha ppubblikati mill-Gvern ta’ Malta. Tippermetti lill-utent jelenka s-servizzi kollha ppubblikati kif ukoll il-kapaċità li jinstalla u jniedi l-apps rispettivi, direttament mill-app ‘maltapps’.

Biex niffaċilitaw l-identifikazzjoni tal-‘mServices’, kull servizz ġie kklasifikat taħt 12-il settur, li jirrappreżentaw id-diversi entitajiet u dipartimenti tal-Gvern.


maltapps provides access to government services, anywhere and anytime.

It is part of’s strategy to bring government services closer to the citizen. is the agency bringing all government services together with maltapps being the’s mService.

The maltapps provides visibility and access to all Malta Government published mServices. It allows the user to enlist all published mServices as well as the ability to install and launch the respective apps directly from within the maltapps app.

To facilitate the identification of mServices we have classified each service under 12 sectors, representing the various Government entities and departments.

Features of maltapps for PC

1. maltapps provides access to government services, anywhere and anytime.
2. It is part of’s strategy to bring government services closer to the citizen.
3. is the agency bringing all government services together with maltapps being the’s mService.
4. The maltapps provides visibility and access to all Malta Government published mServices.
5. It allows the user to enlist all published mServices as well as the ability to install and launch the respective apps directly from within the maltapps app.
6. To facilitate the identification of mServices we have classified each service under 12 sectors, representing the various Government entities and departments.

Whats New In this maltapps?

Minor Bug Fixes


The Maltapps application has been a great way to keep track of my beer brewing process. It has allowed me to easily record the various stages of the brewing process, as well as track the different types of malt I have used. The app has also been a great way to keep track of the flavor profile of each beer I have brewed, and to compare different recipes. Overall, the Maltapps application has been a great tool for homebrewers like myself.

Before we complete the guide, do you have more questions regarding the emulator above or the maltapps of any kind? Don’t feel grounded, just let us know, and we’ll help you resolve it.


We refer the ownership of This maltapps to its creator/developer. We don’t own or affiliate for maltapps and/or any part of it, including its trademarks, images, and other elements.

Here at pcappsreview, we also don’t use our own server to download the maltapps. We refer to the official server, store, or website to help our visitors to download the maltapps.

If you have any query about the app or about pcappsreview, we’re here to help you out. Just head over to our contact page and talk your heart to us. We’ll get back to you ASAP.

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